I love giving handmade gifts for Christmas and this is one that was quite a big hit! This homemade Creme de Menthe is elegant, tasty and super easy to whip up! I bottled it in beautiful cut glass decanters that I purchased at the thrift shop (love that place!) and handed them out to eager adults. I may have kept one for myself as well. Shhhh!
For this sweet treat you will need:
4 cups of water
4 cups of sugar
1 cup of Everclear or other 190 proof vodka
2 Tbls pure peppermint extract

Boil the water and sugar together until the sugar is completely dissolved, making a simple syrup. Remove from the heat and add the Everclear and peppermint extract. Let the mixture cool completely and then bottle and enjoy!
We've enjoyed it in coffee, cocoa and even just sipped. I've since discovered it's also delicious to make with 1 Tbls of peppermint extract and 1 Tbls of vanilla. Vanilla Mint. Mmmmmm!