Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Enjoying Life

This is something I've been thinking a lot about lately. Am I enjoying life or am I just surviving it? I don't want to get so caught up in my to do list that I never enjoy my life. I have such a life to enjoy! Five sparkling babes, friends, good food, beauty in nature, decadent yarns, a husband I love... The list goes on.

I find I often get buried under all the work I have to do. Between the dishes, the kids' needs, vacuuming and taking out the trash I get tired and irritable and I sometimes go through a whole day without pausing and taking an hour or two to just enjoy. Enjoy the smile on my baby's face. Enjoy my daughter's laughter. Enjoy the big boys playing nicely together. Enjoy the sight of ripe, round tomatoes on the vines outside. Enjoy the song of a bird or the way the clouds drift lazily across the sky. I don't do that every day and you know what? It's a travesty!

This week I'm going to remind myself to enjoy. Sure, life can be survived but why bother surviving if you're not going to enjoy it?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ready For Fall

I'm ready fall and the things come with it...

Soups, stews and chilis...

Trees on fire with reds and golds...

Clear days and chilly air...

Warm sweaters and scarves...

The smell of pumpkin pie...

Children jumping in piles of leaves...

...I can't wait for fall!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My favorite summertime memory...

Summer is drawing to a close, whether we're ready for it or not. School will start here in less than three weeks and I'm trying to squeeze every last momemt with them. It goes too fast, this fleeting thing we call childhood.

We had a very good summer. My huaband and I spent a relaxing week in Kauai with only the baby and it was quite literally paradise. We had a blast taking our five children to the wilderness area of North Central Idaho. There we fished, hiked and just hung out together.

More recently we took the kids to the County Fair where we saw snakes, aliens, held a tiger cub and watched the monster trucks.

All of these events were fun but I think the moments I loved the most were those in between the events. The sleepy snuggles I got each morning on the couch. The laughter and squeals of children playing in the sprinkler. The nights we cozied up with popcorn and watched a movie together. Those are the moments I cherish, the moments that are so fleeting and those are the moments I want to remember for the rest of my life when I think back on the summer of 2010.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Boy

Today is my son Micah's birthday. He's six. It seems impossible that six whole years have passed since the dr laid that tiny baby in my arms. Yet here he is, roudy, loud, sweet and feisty!

I try not to wish for too much for my kids as I want them to do their own wishing and dreaming without mine being in the way but I will wish this much for my son this coming year. I wish upon him hope, wisdom, kindness, passion and love. I wish him a year filled with these things, a year he will look back on fondly and a year that he will grow in.

To my sweet, darling boy, I love you more than you can comprehend. My life would be so much less without you in it. You bring me smiles and joy when I feel overwhelmed and tired. You bring me love. I cannot imagine my life void of you. Have a beautiful year, Mr. Micah Man.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Most Cherished Handmade Possession

This week's question in my Create Crochet Team was: What is your most cherished handmade possession?

This one is hard for me to answer. I am most fortunate to have a rather craft family and as such I have been the most grateful recipient of many, many handmade things.

I have a beautiful doll cradle that my grandfather built. It housed many of my favorite dolls and now lovingly rocks my own daughter's dolls.

I have a hand-rusted, welded flower bird feeder that my father made for me. It holds a very special place in my heart. I remember when he pointed it out to me and told me he'd made it for me and take it home. I remember feeling loved by my dad and what an amazing feeling that is for a girl!

I have a child-sized quilt that my great-aunt made when I was born. It has been hand embroidered with all the names of my relatives. It must have taken her ages! I carried it everywhere as a child and my son Micah now sleeps with it every night.

I have a porcelin doll that my grandmother lovingly put together for me. She even lovingly glued it back together when it fell out of bed.

I have a wooden plaque, hand-carved and hand-written upon it a poem that my mother wrote when she was just a teen. It's called "Opinions" and I still find it profound.

I have blankets, hats and scarves that my best friend has made for me, careful consideration on her part put into the colors, yarns and fabrics.

I have pottery that my sister made for me when she was still in school, my favorite being the sculptured hampster she made in likeness of my childhood pet.

I cannot forget the myriad of artwork, crafts and even jewelry that my children have produced and given to me with smiles lighting up their faces, joy beaming from their eyes. I have kept it ALL.

All of these things hold very special places in my home and in my heart. I could no sooner pick a favorite than I could pick a favorite star in the sky. Each of them fills my soul with memories more precious to me than any store-bought item could ever hold. Perhaps the most treasured handmade possession is the creativity that has been passed down to me, generation to generation.

It is with this burden and passion for the handmade that I myself create. Whether it's something for my children, a friend, my mother, grandmother or to sell, I remember that a handmade item will take with it a piece of the soul of the creator and weave that piece of soul with another, to create what only handmade items can - an heirloom.