Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Blog!

I am so excited to start this blog! I spend a lot of time creating and most of that creating time is done in needlework, both knitting and crocheting. I am absolutely addicted to beautiful yarns and try to use the very best in my creations. This blog will be a place for me to share my latest creations (which can always be purchased at my etsy shop:, craft purchases and some of my technique. I hope you're ready... My life is a wild ride!

A bit about me:

My name is Lacey, a name given to me on a flight of fancy by my mother when she decided the name I had already been given would not actually work out so well for me. So I went from being Kerianne, a very old and lovely Irish name to being Lacey, a rather more modern and spunky name. Good choice, Mom.I live in the charming town of Vancouver, WA which, contrary to popular opinion is not in fact a suburb of Portland, OR. We were here first, ergo THEY are the suburb. Of course, they have cooler night clubs and restaurants, but still. We were founded by Lewis and Clark and that’s pretty nifty.So, here I am with my second name in the city that really came first. I am married to my overly dramatic although gloriously sweet, saxophone playing, guitar learning, kid wrestling, generally fantastic husband Joel. He is my soul mate. Who else would put up with me and my rather numerous quirks? We have five children who while loud and sometimes entirely obnoxious are the cutest, sweetest most amazing creatures to ever walk this earth. I love them and it is as simple as that. Their names (which I am quite proud of and are actually the first names given them, not round two like my mother’s chosen path) are Gideon and Gabriel (these would be our six year old twins), Micah (our five year old who was a BIG surprise), Loralei (our only daughter, currently going through the terrible threes) and Kai (our final child, the true baby of our family, turning one in June). We also enjoy the company of our two mischievous cats, Simon and Oscar, brothers we rescued and have grown to both love and hate, depending on if they’re snuggled up purring or jumping on the counter to steal our dinner.If it’s sunny (hey, it happens sometimes around here!) you can find me outside in my garden or lugging all my kids to the beach. I usually have a cup of coffee or tea in my hand, depending on whether I’m feeling American or British at the given moment. I’m not actually British and have in fact never even been to England but sometimes I do think it would be so much more fun to be British with the accent and the tea and the really cool, really big clock. I love sunrises more than sunsets, farmer’s markets, fresh flowers, ridiculously expensive yarns, bargain finds, spring and going barefoot. I hate cleaning the house, hearing my children fight, people who spit for no reason and the amount of money we pay our teachers (seriously, do you know how much work they do? They need a raise!). My life in a nutshell. It’s wild, it’s crazy and at times I want to pull out my hair but you know what? I am totally and completely in love with it. As I tell my children frequently, live well, live loud and have fun. You don’t get a second chance, babe.